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Hunting the Baltic Flavors

Hunting the Baltic Flavors

There are many ways to feel the Baltic specialities on the tip of your tongue.

Here are a few of them. We are warning you, this may be dangerously tasty!

Why Baltic cuisine taste so good?:

–              The way from the farmers to the restaurant table is very short, you may eat for your lunch freshly collected vegetables and fruits. Many local hotels and restaurants as well have self-grown greens and of course, fresh-baked bread.

–              New generation of chefs is creative. Educated in all the corners of top European restaurants they are coming back to their homeland to share their knowledge and blend it with the love of the local food.

–              Popularity of great restaurants spreading very rapidly and you can find a great meal with peace of mind away from the capital.



Gourmet experience – a very fast-growing and popular way to catch the tastes during your visit is to look up if any of the popular festivals are happening around. As well, one of the ways is to attend the restaurant weeks, during this time you will find restaurants’ special offers, delicious dinners, or lunches where top chefs will blow away your imagination and surprise you with the new way of serving local goodies.


Food workshops – Traveling at Baltics you certainly should taste traditional food. The best way to do it is to take a part in a workshop or tasting tour. Local chocolate producers, marzipan masters, ice cream creators, or bread bakers, and even medieval meals. You may personally assist or try your hands-on cooking process and learn the secret ingredients of the local specialities.

Local markets – a very popular way to bring the best of the local food to a table. The place where farmers and producers bring together countryside extravaganzas. Visiting the market is favoured among locals. If you love to buzz into the local atmosphere, stop by and taste traditional cheese, smoked fish, and homemade cake.

Beverages  – Taste a glass of chilled cider made from the apples grown nearby, learn roots of beer brewing traditions or wine crafts made of berries and birch sap, served with carefully picked snacks. Enchant a unique day in the countryside, which in addition to fantastic flavours will leave an unforgettable aftertaste.
