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Sami Ancestors of Lapland

Sami Ancestors of Lapland

The slant-eyed Sami race, which came from the Ural-Altai mountains, settled in the region with their culture. Lapland is spread in the north of Scandinavia to Sweden, Norway, Finland and a small part of the Murmansk region of Russia. The Sami have been living in this wild geography for centuries with a tough struggle.

Some of the Semites, who make their living mainly by raising reindeer, live in the big cities of the country. However, a significant part of them is tightly bound to their culture. Sami culture continues in Sami villages. The Sami people, who made the region their homeland and gave its name to it, whose number is around 50 thousand today, have been living with assimilation and oppression for a hundred years. There is a lot of controversy about them. Between 1930 and 1980, it is said that Semitic women were sterilized through biological experiments.

A Movie: Sameblod
The film tells the dreams and struggle of 14-year-old Sami teenage girl Elle Marja to study in Sweden’s famous Viking city of Uppsala, instead of raising reindeer in her village. The film also gives an insight into the Sweden of the 1930s and offers a very successful perspective to understand the difficulties faced by the Sami people today. Sameblod is a production that has won awards from many festivals.
